Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Single digits

Today marks the official single digits of me bringing Greg home :)   hip hip hooray! 

Tomorrow I leave for Haiti - I am so excited about the opportunity to go.   I board my first flight in Indy at 6am (5am for all my central time followers) and arrive in Haiti 3:45 tomorrow afternoon.   I keep learning about more and more people I 'know' that will be on the trip from Albany or previous trips ~ so I am not only looking forward to connecting with these first timers but also looking forward to connecting with friends made on the last Haiti trip.

There are a lot of things on my plate in the next several months and a lot of things Greg will be challenged by as he enters back into a day to day normalcy.    I would appreciate prayers for us as we continue to seek God in His plans and provisions for us a couple and as individuals.

22hr til I'm on Haitian soil and 9 days til I pick up Greg.   

Also - please pray for Linda Lamb - she has faced all kinds of opposition from Satan, her doctors, church members, family members, etc... about her decision to go on this trip because of her health.   Give us wisdom about the tasks we do each day and what is best for her energy levels and health.

Thanks - talk to ya all next week!

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