Thursday, May 10, 2012

Who you listening to?

Just had my life group meeting tonight, and I came home and opened my bible to this, which relates heavily to our discussion of several of the women's hearts tonight:

NLT version:

John 5:41-42 "Your approval or disapproval means nothing to me, because I know you don't have God's love within you."

So many of us struggle with hearing God's voice in the sea of swimming opinions, advice, and lies from Satan.

This past 6mo to a year I've had my fair share of voices of what I would like to call 'loving fear' from important people in my life who have questioned the path I am on.     It takes wisdom and a heart in tune with the Lord to make sure you take into account what needs to be heard and what things are potential road blockers to keep you from walking in faith.    I value those words of wisdom from the people God's blessed my life with.... but sometimes you need to pull away from those voices and listen to the only one that matters.
Who's approval are you seeking?

Quote from one of the women tonight, "Its easier to for God to move you when you are already in motion."      

Shame.... brokeness.... heartache.... loss.... success.... encouragement.....we all have our own testimony that God has given us to draw us closer, build our faith, and use for His glory!   

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