Saturday, December 31, 2011


I firmly believe God puts us in specific places at specific times to be used to RADIATE His glory.    This week has been harder as I start to miss my 'family' & 'friends' in Missouri and wonder HOW LONG I'll have to wait for things to be resolved here so that Greg and I can move forward with our future.     I sometimes tend to get caught up in the tomorrow instead of living in the here and now, the following excerpt from Elisabeth Elliot's book 'Let Me Be A Woman' on pg 31 sums up perfectly of where my heart needs to be:

"The life of faith is lived one day at a time, and it has to be lived -- not always looking forward to as though the 'real' living were around the next corner.   It is today for which we are responsible.   God still owns tomorrow'

This week as Greg and I were having our ups and downs in regards to the current situation of our lives we were reminded of God's purposes being carried out.     Greg is sitting in the B block of the county jail which if anything allows Greg to have plenty of time to be in prayer, reading the Word, and reading various books.
This afternoon a man on his block - John - came up to Greg and asked him if he would pray for him.    He told Greg I see you praying, reading your bible, and sharing scripture on the phone and that's why I want to ask you something... 'Will you pray for my wife and I to have restoration in our marriage and for our two sons.'     A perfect example of Christ radiating through Gregory.    He was humbled today as he called me this afternoon to ask that I pray for them as well:  John, Amanda, Zach, and Obadiah.    A similar situation happened a few days ago with another man on his block who is also a christian.    Greg and him were able to connect in their common Christian brotherhood and encourage one another.

These things are great reminders that even though I hate that he's stuck in there, God's bigger and he's moving through this situation.   

Psalm 34:5 "Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy!"

I'm BLESSED here today as I reflect back on 2011, blessed to be able to be where I'm at and be able to sit back and reflect on all the answered prayers.    I have no doubt that 2012 will come with even greater Glory and Radiance as I seek to take responsibility for each day I'm given.

Happy New Year!

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